Spring Break: Day 5

Today was a fun day. On Friday mornings I usually play volleyball with a bunch of friends. We meet at a local church building and play in one half of the gym while the kids play in the other half. It is usually a highlight of my week. Today it didn't really happen as planned. We showed up, and two other girls showed up, but because of spring break, or sickness, or whatever, we were the only ones. Four just isn't enough to get a good game going so after about forty five minutes of waiting to see if anyone else would show up we took down the net. Meanwhile, some other ladies arrived to use the church for an activity--relay races and games and such for the kids. They invited us to stay, and since I had nothing better to do we stayed. The kids enjoyed the relay races with pool noodles. They batted balloons around with fly swatters, they popped balloons to get candy out of the middle. They traced around their bodies on huge sheets of paper and then colored them in. They made paper airplanes and sung with a karaoke machine. They even had snacks. To sum up, they had a blast, and I enjoyed talking with the moms there and made a new friend or two.

We left the church about the time we normally would and went to the library to exchange the DVDs and books we borrow each week. I made the kids use the bathroom while we were there, and then we went to meet Steven for lunch. I'm scared to drive downtown, so I haven't actually driven to the building where Steven works, but we met at a Wendy's about halfway between home and his office. It was a nice break, and when we came home the kids watched movies we borrowed from the library or played on the computer until dinner time.

So Spring Break is over. The weekend will be as normal, and next week the kids will be in school again. I survived, and really I enjoyed having the kids around. I enjoyed the relaxed schedule, not having to shuttle kids to school and back. I enjoyed having the kids organize and clean for a change. (Not that I didn't do my fair share of organizing and cleaning this week, it's just that they helped, willingly!) I'm also glad that I still have a couple months left before Summer. How will I ever keep them from being bored then?


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