What was one of your favorite treats as a child?

I have always loved ice cream! I remember going to a Thrifty drug store with the family and getting a double scoop of cylinder-shaped ice cream on top of a flat bottomed cone. I imagine that the ice cream there was really inexpensive - maybe a dime or a quarter per scoop for our family to be able to afford to all go there on a regular basis. I think it must have been a reward for doing chores or something. Our family would troop into the store and line up at the ice cream counter, peering through the glass at the buckets of ice cream, trying to decide which flavors we wanted most. They had the standard favorites: chocolate, mint chocolate chip, and cookies and cream, but one that I really liked, and haven't often seen since I was a child, was black cherry. They also had rainbow and orange sherbets, which I remember as being really sweet. I remember watching the attendants use the cool scoop, that was so different from any other scoop I had ever seen. I liked the fact that the scoops of ice cream came out flat on the bottom and top because we could stack them higher with less risk of them rolling off and being lost. Once we all had our ice cream and my parents had paid, we would either go outside to the parking lot to lick our treats in the sun, or else we would wander through the store, examining the merchandise and imagining which things we would like to buy if we could afford it. We would lick our cones slowly, making them last as long as possible, because when they were all gone, and the last bit of crunchy cone had been consumed, we would have to climb back into the car and return home. While I have always enjoyed ice cream at home or wherever I could get it, there will always be something special about those cylinders of ice cream that we got at Thrifty.
I have the same happy memories! Loved that too. You explained it so well. =)