Westminster Stake Conference - May 2013
This weekend, we had stake conference. Steven and I both attended the adult session Saturday evening. It is wonderful that Hannah can babysit for us now so we can both go. For many years, Steven, as member of the Young Men's presidency, would go to the priesthood leadership meeting Saturday afternoon while I watched the kids, and then he would come home and watch the kids while I attended the adult meeting by myself. Then we both could enjoy at least one session of stake conference that we could really pay attention to. (Sundays were too hard to really get much out of due to the children.) Now, he doesn't have to go to that Priesthood meeting, and we can leave the kids and enjoy the adult session together. I sang in the stake choir in the Sunday session, and they wanted us to sit on the stand the entire time, so I think I got more out of that session that Steven did, since he was on the bench with the kids, who - while better than they were five years ago, apparently still weren't inclined to sit quietly and listen the entire time.
Special Guests at this conference included Robert Ludwig, 2nd counselor in the Denver Temple presidency, and his wife. They both spoke at both sessions that we attended, and yes, they talked about the temple - about how it is a place of revelation, a place of saving ordinances for us and our ancestors, a place of healing, a place of strength, and that every missionary story should end in the temple.
One speaker was a recent convert (6 months), and he spoke about what things led to his conversion. He emphasized how friendly the members were, and how he felt like part of a "spiritual family".
Another speaker was a girl who has recently been called to the Helsinki Finland mission. She shared some of the ways she has prepared to serve a mission, including coming to understand her own worth as a loved child of God, and deciding who she wants to become.
One sister spoke about how the trials and and tribulations in her life have helped her to align her life with Christ through faith, obedience to the commandments, humility and hope. I loved one thing she said: Heroes are people who endure their tribulations cheerfully.
A brother talked about how obedience leads to greater freedom while disobedience leads to chaos and suffering. He referenced Elder James E Faust's 1999 General Conference talk in which he mentioned a horse who resisted being restrained, and came to a bad end.
Another sister talked about becoming a goodly parent, suggesting that we set a good example, spend time, and help our children become converted through prayer, family activities, using the church support network, sharing our testimonies, and being organized as far as expectations, rewards, etc.
We also enjoyed talks by two members of the stake presidency. (The third was out of the country.) The counselor taught us that we should love and serve others. He said there is more need for healing than cutting. He shared stories about his son, who overcame being bullied himself, and then reached out to befriend others who were bullied. I want to post a sign in my house somewhere:
The stake president talked about Zion, and how it is a tent, secured by stakes (see Isaiah 54:2). He described how the tent provides a defense and protection from the dangers and evils of the world. He told us that we need to strengthen our stakes, and that we do that through strengthening our families. He told us that the home is the main venue for gospel teaching. The ward supports the family, and that we meet together to strengthen each other and to serve one another. The temple is the greatest refuge, where we receive gospel knowledge, protection and strength.
I returned home yesterday feeling spiritually strengthened, with a new resolve to help my children understand that they are loved children of God, and to teach them to be kind to each other. I want to continue attending the temple as often as possible, and seek the personal revelation that I need to be a better parent.
Special Guests at this conference included Robert Ludwig, 2nd counselor in the Denver Temple presidency, and his wife. They both spoke at both sessions that we attended, and yes, they talked about the temple - about how it is a place of revelation, a place of saving ordinances for us and our ancestors, a place of healing, a place of strength, and that every missionary story should end in the temple.
One speaker was a recent convert (6 months), and he spoke about what things led to his conversion. He emphasized how friendly the members were, and how he felt like part of a "spiritual family".

One sister spoke about how the trials and and tribulations in her life have helped her to align her life with Christ through faith, obedience to the commandments, humility and hope. I loved one thing she said: Heroes are people who endure their tribulations cheerfully.
A brother talked about how obedience leads to greater freedom while disobedience leads to chaos and suffering. He referenced Elder James E Faust's 1999 General Conference talk in which he mentioned a horse who resisted being restrained, and came to a bad end.
Another sister talked about becoming a goodly parent, suggesting that we set a good example, spend time, and help our children become converted through prayer, family activities, using the church support network, sharing our testimonies, and being organized as far as expectations, rewards, etc.
We also enjoyed talks by two members of the stake presidency. (The third was out of the country.) The counselor taught us that we should love and serve others. He said there is more need for healing than cutting. He shared stories about his son, who overcame being bullied himself, and then reached out to befriend others who were bullied. I want to post a sign in my house somewhere:
The stake president talked about Zion, and how it is a tent, secured by stakes (see Isaiah 54:2). He described how the tent provides a defense and protection from the dangers and evils of the world. He told us that we need to strengthen our stakes, and that we do that through strengthening our families. He told us that the home is the main venue for gospel teaching. The ward supports the family, and that we meet together to strengthen each other and to serve one another. The temple is the greatest refuge, where we receive gospel knowledge, protection and strength.
I returned home yesterday feeling spiritually strengthened, with a new resolve to help my children understand that they are loved children of God, and to teach them to be kind to each other. I want to continue attending the temple as often as possible, and seek the personal revelation that I need to be a better parent.
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