Personal History #11

Back in 2010, I started posting personal history posts, pulling a slip with a question on it out of a bag, and answering it for that day's blog. I think I did ten of them before I lost interest... or the bag got lost... or whatever. I discovered the bag recently, and so I thought I would start again for those days when I can't think of anything else to write about. (I didn't want to write again about how it is snowing and I really wish that it wasn't.)

Did your mother or grandmother sew, quilt, knit or crochet? Tell about things made.

My mother used to sew. I remember a cabinet someone (maybe my dad?) built for her that held her white Elna sewing machine, and when the doors were opened, a shelf came down and provided a work table. Patterns could be pinned to the doors for easy reference.

My mom had a few dresses that I think she made. One was white with small red flowers or berries or something on it, and red trim. I think she also made a square dance costume or two. 

I remember a couple dresses she made for me. One was flowery blue with ruffles on it, and I absolutely adored it (see piture on left). I still have this dress - a little threadbare from much use - in my keepsake box. Another was orange and felt a bit scratchy when I wore it so I didn't like it as much.

When my sister got married, I think my mom was the one who made my bridesmaid dress. (I also wore that dress to my Senior Winter Formal dance.)

 I vaguely remember some Halloween costumes she made. I think I was a mouse one year and she sewed a black sack-like thing that we stuffed with newspaper to make it round. I had mouse ears too, but I have no idea if she made those or not. I think my older sister was a clown that year with a similarly shaped costume.

Another item I remember that she sewed was a bed spread for her bed - with matching curtains. I also remember a tepee that she sewed and put together (perhaps with my dad's help) for Christmas one year. I remember that I loved playing in it. It seems like she also may have recovered the cushions on a sofa at one time, and maybe even replaced the vinyl on some kitchen chairs.

As my mother had more children, she had less time for sewing projects, but she did help me learn to sew. I remember her making me sew along lines drawn on paper for practice.

I don't remember her ever making quilts, knitting or crocheting, but she must have known how to crochet at least, because she taught me how when I was in 6th grade and came down with the chicken pox and needed something to do with my hands to keep from scratching.

I have no idea if my grandmothers did much sewing or crocheting or whatever. I imagine that my mother's mother must have known how in order to teach my mother how. I remember that we did have some quilts around the house - specifically a pink one and a blue checked one that my older sister received as a baby, and a red elephant blanket that my brother had as a baby. There might have been a couple others- maybe one with Holly Hobby on it? I don't know who made them, but it might have been a grandmother. I remember a crocheted pink and white poncho as well (I used to pretend it was a skirt), but again, I don't know who made it. (Maybe my mom will read this and supply whatever information she can add as a comment?)


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