Ready or not, Here we come!

There are piles of sleeping bags on the couch on our patio, and the tents and camping supply bucket are out, checked, and waiting to be loaded into the car. There are suitcases and bags stuffed full of clothes on my bed. The kitchen counter is covered in bags of snacks and food. I have one bag that is stuffed full with books, games, DVDs, the camera, and other things that I will want close to hand in the car. Our house key has been given to friends, along with instructions to feed the cats. Substitutes have been found to cover my callings at church this Sunday.

I still need to make some sandwiches for our lunch on the road tomorrow, and collect and take out the trash, and vacuum. If I really want to bring carrot sticks with us, I'll need to cut them tonight. I'm racking my brain trying to think what else I need to do tonight. The kids gave up on helping long ago and are playing a game.

It's pouring down rain outside. I hope the rain doesn't follow us as we travel east tomorrow. Camping in the rain isn't fun. On the positive side, it should be cooler in Nauvoo, Illinois than we had expected it to be.

My sister Lindy and her family should arrive here some time tonight, and then tomorrow morning we will caravan to Kansas City, Missouri, where we will stay at another sister, Kristy's house. The next day we all will continue our trek to Nauvoo, where we will attend a family reunion with my parents and all my siblings. I don't know when the last time we were all together was. It's been a while. Not all the spouses and kids are coming, but I'm excited to see all those who are coming, including my brother who has come all the way from Taiwan!

Anyway, I won't be writing any blogs for the next week while we're gone. (Which isn't really a big deal because most of the people who read this blog are family members who will be at the reunion anyway. See you there!)


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