Vet Aftermath

The cats returned home from the vet last night and were placed in quarantine in the bathroom over night (per the vet's instructions). They scratched on the door occasionally during the night, but I think for the most part they didn't mind. This morning the first thing Steven did when he woke up was let them out. They don't seem all that loopy this morning. More than anything they seem antisocial, resentful, and terrified that we'll do it to them all over again. It took a while to convince Moroni to let us get close enough to take off the collar/name tag he came home from the vet with. Abish appeared to be lonely yesterday, especially when Ishmael was napping, but today she seems kind of freaked out by the kittens for some reason, and we've had a few cat fights this morning - between Abish and Moroni as well as between Abish and Lamoni. Ishmael doesn't seem to have a problem with them. Hopefully things will settle down and they'll all return to normal soon.


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