A Wintery Day

It is 10:30am. The ground outside is covered with snow, and the temperature out there is about 10 degrees. The kids have been to school and back already - they only had one hour of assessments this morning. Now they are playing dress up with clothes we brought back from our storage unit on Saturday. So far I've seen Mickey Mouse, Buzz Lightyear, an engineer, a pioneer, and a girl with long brown hair (who looked an awful lot like Joshua). So far this morning (besides taking the kids to school and waiting there for an hour so I wouldn't have to make two trips in the snow) I've cleared up from breakfast, gotten the kitchen cleaned up and dishwasher running (we forgot to turn it on last night), put dinner in the crockpot, taken out the trash, and cleaned out the cat litter. There is more that I need to do, but I'm tired now. The house is still full of boxes and bags from the storage unit that I need to do something with. I'm ready to give away the maternity and baby clothes. (Does anyone want them?) I have an entire box of toys that I want to bring to Good Will, but until I do so (preferably when there isn't snow on the roads), the kids keep getting into the box and taking things out and scattering them throughout the house. I need to get the cardboard boxes out of the house before Abish chews them to shreds, but our little closet in the garage is filling up fast (with Christmas gifts, food storage and other storage) and nothing in the play room is really safe from the elements. I need to sort through the stuff and figure out what I can get rid of and what I have to keep, but sorting is hard when kids are around - they see things and have to try them out and they never end up in the piles I originally put them in. So... The boxes will sit there a little longer. Today I just want to enjoy the cold weather - from inside. Maybe I'll play dress up with the kids or watch a movie or find a good book to curl up with today.


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