The White Hair

Yesterday morning I discovered what just might have been my first white hair. Don't misunderstand me. I've been finding white hairs for a few years - little wiry crooked things that usually jut up from my scalp instead of lying flat with the rest of it. No, this one was laying flat, perfectly well behaved. What made it stand out to me is the fact that it is the same length as the rest of my hairs! Steven trimmed my hair Saturday evening, and that white hair looks like it was long enough to be trimmed with the rest of them. I've been getting white hairs long enough for them to be the same length as the rest of my hair - almost half way between my shoulder and elbow!

I mentioned it to Steven last night and he suggested that I pull it. I remember someone pulled out one of my mom's white hairs long ago, and if I remember right, she got upset with him, saying "I earned that hair!" I suppose I earned my white hairs, too, but I have other reasons for not wanting to pull that hair. If I pull it, one of two things could happen: either it will grow back, or it won't. If it grows back, I'll have another straggly, wiry crooked hair poking out of the top of my head like an antenna. If it doesn't grow back, then that would be a sign that my hair is thinning, and I'll worry that my hair will be like my Grandmother's, who wore a wig to church on Sundays because of the scarcity of her hair. If I leave my white hairs alone, I can at least hope that I'll have some hairs left when I'm old.

So to anyone who wanted proof that I'm getting old, there it is. I don't think I have enough of them yet to make dyeing worth while, so if you look closely, they are there.


  1. See, I'd worry if I found any color hair lying flat and well behaved... that's not my hair LOL! My wiry sticking up hair fits right with the white ones... and there are a lot of those!


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