More Snow, Really?

Last week the weathermen said we were going to get a blizzard. The school called a snow day. Businesses closed. We got a couple inches of snow... but at the end of the day, we could still see the top of the grass poking through. We wondered - where is all the snow we were supposed to have gotten???

Yesterday we awoke to snow falling. It wasn't sticking to the roads and sidewalks in the morning. School wasn't cancelled. We trudged to school. The snow continued to fall all day. I had to walk to the library to return some things that were due, but decided to do that on the way to pick up the kids from school. It was still snowing, and by the time we all got home again, we were pretty wet and cold. It continued snowing. Josh asked if this was the blizzard we were supposed to get last week. I don't know.

This morning's snow depth.
This morning, the snow had stopped falling, although we are supposed to get more this afternoon and evening, and tomorrow. Again school wasn't cancelled, so we trudged through the snow and slick ice back to school. I may have mentioned this before, but when the roads are slick and icy, I kind of prefer walking to driving. I feel like I have more control, or will do less damage if I do lose control and slide into something.
The snow had piled up so high on the fence that it folded down over itself.
Here's our path out to the street that we made on our way to school.
My parents are supposed to be heading east today on their way to Nauvoo, where they have been called to serve in the temple for six months. I think they were planning on spending tonight with us. I hope they travel safely.


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