Monstrous Nickname

I mentioned once that Hannah likes to make up nicknames for her brothers. For some time now she has had a nickname for John that she keeps adding to. What amazes me is that she consistently comes up with nearly the same thing every time she calls him by this name. Here it is:

JohnnyWonnyOrigamiBonnyBigBottomousBonBonsPanzercrappitasticaBonechomperFluffiLuffa-JohnicornSmallGreenStomperJoshJoshJoshJoshJoshPopcornBubblegumSquidLauncherPandaOhYeah (Khaerelikoblephaireglukemeilchephreidos'denouganyTikitikitemboNosaremboHippopotomonstro-sesquipedaliophobia) 

I had to get her to type it for me because I can't remember it all. She can't say the last bit in the parenthesis yet, but she thinks it. (She says to give bonus points to anyone who recognizes the words in the parenthesis.)

She calls Peter, "Potato" and Josh is just "Josh-o".


  1. I recognize the Tikitikitembonosarembo part, but expected it to be followed up with charibariruchipipperipembo.


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