2014 Nauvoo Trip - Part 3

Saturday Aug 2, 2014

We awoke early this morning, dressed in Sunday clothes, and Steven, Hannah, John and I, along with Lindy's teens and a few other adults set off for the Nauvoo temple, where we participated in doing baptisms for the dead. The Nauvoo temple is beautiful, and I enjoyed being within it's walls.

Our family went on a wagon ride later that morning, where we got to hear stories of the pioneers, of King Follett, and others who lived in Nauvoo, while looking at the beautiful countryside.

Later, in the afternoon, we left the young children with the teens and the adults all went back to the temple. It was wonderful for so many of us to be in the temple together. I imagine that being in heaven will feel much the same way.

Also that day, we visited the blacksmith shop, where we got to hear how wagons were made, and watch as a site missionary made a miniature horseshoe.

That evening we watched another show in the cultural hall, entitled, "Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo" which was performed by older missionaries, and was fun to watch. Afterwards, Hannah and Peter went home, but the rest of us stuck around to watch the Nauvoo Pageant. Once again, it was fabulous. This time, the rain didn't bother us, and we were able to watch the entire show in one sitting.

Sunday Aug 3, 2014
This morning we attended church there in Nauvoo. Remembering how crowded it was two years ago when we were here, we arrived a little after 9am, just in time to see the missionary's ward dismissed. In the lobby, we encountered Sister Romney, and Peter had a brief chat with her. I am so grateful for her willingness to chat with a nine year old boy. I think she made Peter's visit to Nauvoo special for him because he had a connection, someone to look for and to be excited about when he saw her.

Sacrament Meeting at 10am was indeed crowded. The cultural hall was filled back to the stage, and I heard that other rooms in the building were also full, and equipped so that people could watch the proceedings. I was glad that we got there early enough to be on the soft benches in the chapel, and coincidentally, we got a bench in front of the seat where Steven's sister, Karen, who lives in Nauvoo, sat.

After sacrament meeting, we headed to the temple, where our family took pictures on the lawn across the street from the beautiful building. We got pictures of the whole clan (or as many of us as were there.) We took pictures of my parents and their children, we took pictures of all the sisters, and then of all the brothers. We took some pictures of individual families. It isn't often that all the siblings (there are eleven of us!) get together, so we really did have to take pictures to commemorate the event.

After lunch, Steven and the kids and I went to spend the afternoon with Karen and her family. The kids played together, and renewed friendships. I enjoyed that visit.
Hannah and cousin Kaylee

We returned to camp in time for dinner, after which we had a family talent show. As part of the talent show, Steven recited "Rindercella", a Cinderella story in which beginning letters are swapped. Hannah recited the first 75 digits of pi, John made origami creations and recited the natural elements. Joshua told jokes and Peter took numbers from the audience and then told them what element it was, and then joined with his younger cousins in singing "Let it Go" from Frozen. I shared some things I had been working on. (I will blog about them very soon!)

Later that evening, after the young children had been put to bed, we had an adult meeting to discuss some family business, and then we retired to our beds.

Monday Aug 4, 2014
We packed up, cleaned up, said good bye and set off for home. Peter was in tears... he had really enjoyed spending time with his cousins and was sad to have to leave. We stopped at the fudge shop in town on our way out for a treat, and then headed west. We had dinner at a McDonalds in Aurora, Nebraska, and then finally stopped for the night at an RV park in North Platte, Nebraska. We were so tired that most of us slept in our clothes under the stars because we didn't want to unload any more from the car than we absolutely had to.

Tuesday Aug 5, 2015
Breakfast was at a Dunkin' Donuts near where we had camped for the night. We piled into the car, and set off for home. We arrived home around noon, unloaded the car, showered, and then crashed and slept for most of the afternoon. This night was National Night Out, so we went to our HOA clubhouse for a dinner of hot dogs. (I was grateful not to have to cook.) Hannah and I came back home early, and I went to bed. Something about travelling is really exhausting!


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