Joshua Had a Birthday!

Yesterday, Joshua turned 11. A small celebration was crammed between finishing dinner and leaving for scouts, and involved opening just a few gifts - LEGOs and a remote control transformer from Grandma Kathy and a build-your-own robot set from Mom and Dad. There will be more... somehow with the vacation and everything, birthday shopping got pushed to a back burner. On the other hand, it might mean that his celebration will be more spread out, so he can enjoy it longer.

It is fun watching my children mature and grow. Sometimes it seems like they haven't changed a bit, but then, one day, I'll look at them and realize that they really have changed, that they are taller, more serious, more thoughtful.

Here is a snapshot of who Joshua is today:

  • Favorite color: blue
  • Favorite animal: dog
  • What do you want to be when you grow up: inventor
  • Favorite healthy food: apple
  • Favorite dessert: chocolate
  • Favorite dinner: lasagna
  • Favorite outfit: elf outfit (green pants, Peter Pan type shirt, Robin Hood hat)
  • Favorite computer game: Minecraft Clone
  • Favorite activity: Play outside, using imagination
  • Favorite books: Harry Potter, Fablehaven, Amulet
  • Favorite toys: LEGOs
  • Best friends: Joshua Kerby, Bradon Fox
  • Favorite Movies: Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, The Absent Minded Professor
Here is a video of Joshua's response when I asked him, "What would you like to invent?"

 Happy Birthday Josh!


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