Fuzzy Friends

When I'm watching a movie, I like to keep my hands busy. So a couple months ago, I decided that I wanted to make a small crochet animal for each of my nieces and nephews to give out at the family reunion this past week. My parents currently have 28 grand children, but my own children already have crochet creatures (see here), so my goal was to make 24 stuffed animals. I ended making my 26th animal on the drive to Nauvoo.

Here is what I came up with, along with the patterns I used. (Freestyle means I kind of made it up as I went along.)

Penguin. Pattern from a book, Vanna's Choice Easy Crochet Critters

Snowy Owl pattern from Vanna's Choice Easy Crochet Critters

Elephant. Pattern from Vanna's Choice Easy Crochet Critters

Giraffe. Pattern from Vanna's Choice Easy Crochet Critters

Alligator. Pattern from Vanna's Choice Easy Crochet Critters

Monkey 1 Pattern from Vanna's Choice Easy Crochet Critters

Dog (freestyle based loosely on walrus and lion patterns from Vanna's Choice Easy Crochet Critters)

Pig. freestyle Combining patterns from walrus, dog, lion...

Rabbit. Freestyle, loosely based on http://lucyravenscar.blogspot.com/2010/10/free-pattern-tiny-rabbit-amigurumi.html but greatly enlarged.

Monkey 2. Based loosely on pattern from http://haakjes.blog2blog.nl/42665/Patroon%3A+Aap.html. (Note, this pattern is in dutch and about twice the size of the monkey that I actually made.)

Cat 1. Pattern from http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/tiny-fuzzy-halloween-kitten In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have done the stripes...

Cat 2. Freestyle.

Monkey 3. Freestyle minnie monster. (less than two inches tall)

Cat 3. Freestyle minnie monster. (less than two inches tall)

(not shown) Dog 2. Freestyle minnie monster. (less than two inches tall)

At the talent show on Sunday night, I showed off my creations and passed them out to all the cousins. I had two extra, which I gave to my parents. I think they liked them. I sure enjoyed making them!


  1. We ended up with the duck, the walrus, and the alligator. My boys loved them and insisted on taking them to the park today. While we were there, Andrew figured out that all three of them are water animals, but not fish.


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