
On Saturday, our bishop and his family picked a whole lot of apples from a tree owned by a friend of theirs. They came home with the back of their Excursion full of apples.
They posted this picture of the back of their car on Facebook.
I happened to be at their home when they were unloading the apples (One of their sons is a Webelos and we went on a hike that morning.) and so they gave me two large boxes full of apples to take home. The two boxes I brought home barely made a dent in the number of apples they had left.

What do you do with two large boxes full of apples?
Box #1
Box #2- after making a boat load of applesauce.
  Several of them were eaten as snacks.

We spent much of the rest of the day making applesauce.

We still have a huge box full of apples, plus a bunch of bottles of applesauce.

This morning I encouraged the boys to take apples to school as snacks. I also made applesauce muffins for breakfast. I'm thinking of dehydrating some apples slices. I know at least one of my children isn't a fan of apple desserts (apple pie, crisp, etc.). I don't have a lot of canning jars, or much freezer space, so we kind of have to use them up somehow. Any suggestions?


  1. Dried apple slices! Or fruit leather!

    1. Good ideas! I decided to make fruit leather today. :D


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