A True Story

It happened as I was preparing to shower this morning. I pulled back the shower curtain, and there she was, hanging on the wall, a vampire digesting the blood from her last victim - probably me. Senselessly, I turned on the hot water thinking to scald her. She laughingly danced out of the way. It would take several seconds for the water to get hot enough to scald, anyway. I reached for a weapon, and came up with a hand towel. It wasn't ideal, but it would serve. I swung and missed. I swung again and again and again while she flew out of the way, or maybe she was just maneuvering into position for another bite. Finally, I had her cornered. I swung, and the towel left a bloody smear on the shower curtain. The rest of her broken body was a dark mess on my fuzzy green hand towel. The blood sucking monster was dead. But the war isn't over yet. We are still under siege from her mother and sisters and daughters, lurking in and around the house, waiting to poison us and suck the blood from our veins.


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