School Supplies
School starts next week, and I've been doing a lot of shopping to get all the supplies and clothing that the kids will need for school. To celebrate finally having most of that done, I've made a logic problem for you!
See if you can figure out what store I went to on what day, how much I spent, and one thing I bought there. (Please note that logic problems are not indicative of true facts.)

- I spent more at Office Depot than I did at the store where I bought the pants, but less than I spent at the store I visited on Monday.
- Of Old Navy and the store I visited on Tuesday, one was where I spent $10, and the other was where I spent $18.
- Wednesday was neither the day I went to Dollar Tree, nor the day I spent $35.
- On Thursday, I bought pens at Sam's Club.
- I spent more on Friday than I did at Sam's Club.
- Saturday was neither the day I bought pencils, nor the day I spent $20.
- I bought the graphing composition book the day before the day I spent $8.
- The six days were: the day I shopped at Target, the day I bought notebooks, Wednesday, the day I bought pencils, Saturday, and the day I shopped at Sam's Club.
- I spent $18 the day I bought the pants.
- Of the store where I spent $100 and the store where I bought shirts, one was Wal*Mart and the other was the store I visited on Friday.
- I spent more at the store where I bought notebooks than I spent at Target.
- I spent $35 at the store where I bought shirts.
- I went to Dollar Tree earlier in the week than the day I spent $20.
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