Every August, when the kids return to school, I seem to have the same thoughts. While I am a bit overwhelmed at the idea of returning to rigid schedules, getting up early so Hannah can get to seminary, and all the back to school activities, I also look forward to a chance to clean the house (and have it stay clean for some length of time) and have some time to pursue other interests. This year was no different.
Last week we shopped for all the back to school clothes and equipment the boys would need for school. While we didn't have an equipment list for Hannah yet, I did take her clothes shopping. On Tuesday of last week, we went to the high school so she could turn in forms, get her schedule, have her picture taken, and get her ID.
On Saturday I took Joshua to get the immunization that he needed for 6th grade. He did very well with it; I think the anticipation was worse than the actual event.
Monday of this week, John and Joshua had their Back to School night for middle school, where we received their schedules and were able to find their lockers and classes and meet their teachers for the coming year.
Tuesday was Peter's Back to School night for elementary school. We found his classroom, met his teacher, and unpacked his school supplies.

Wednesday was the first day of school for the boys. I walked with Peter and Josh to the school that morning around 8:00, then returned home to relative quiet. Hannah slept late and John was doing programming on the lap top in my room. There were, however, a couple little neighborhood kids (ages 4-5) running around outside, and at one point they claimed that one of their toys "flew" in through our window (the screen is broken thanks to the cats...) and they wanted us to find it. We searched, couldn't find anything, and John, who was sitting next to the window, hadn't noticed anything come in, so we looked around outside, and still couldn't find anything. At that point, those two little boys went inside our house - uninvited - to search for themselves, and I told them they needed to leave, and when I locked the front door, they started peering in through our front windows. It didn't end up being as quiet as I had hoped it would be.
Josh got out of school at 10:30 and returned home shortly before John needed to leave to get there at 11:30. Hannah woke up somewhere in there, so I still had two kids at home.
A little before 2:00 I walked back to the school to pick up Peter, and John came home with us, too. I encouraged the boys to clean their room that afternoon, or at least take care of the things they care about, but I think they were more interested in other things. That night we had scouts and Hannah had a YW activity.

Yesterday was finally the first almost normal day of school. Hannah got up and left for school a little before 7am. (Seminary won't start until next week.) I walked all three boys to school at 8, and then returned home to sweet silence. (The little neighborhood boys didn't come out until the afternoon.) I was able to clean out the boys' room and go grocery shopping and do a few other things I'd been wanting to do. I returned to the school at 3:30 to pick up Peter. John caught up with us, and Josh arrived home a little later. (Since Josh and John are in middle school, and get released through the doors on the opposite side of the school, I told them they could each walk home on their own.) As soon as Peter got home, I had him change into his scout shirt so he would be ready when his ride to scouts picked him up a little before 4:00.
After dinner, I went to the high school with Hannah to meet her teachers and see her classrooms. She is taking AP World History and AP Biology. She also has College Prep English, French II, math (her teacher said something about getting into Pre-Calc this year), and orchestra. She's already planning on auditioning for the fall play. It sounds to me like she will be very busy this year, but I have confidence that she will do well.
The kids are already settling into the new schedule. They are renewing old acquaintances and making new friends. They are figuring out locker combinations and schedules and routes to classes. I'm still trying to figure out where to start on the many things I want to do, but I guess that is better than having nothing to do at all!
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