A Change of Plans

The kids are in school again finally. The house is relatively quiet--the dryer is running pretty noisily, but there are very few kid noises. I straightened up the house first thing after dropping the kids off at school this morning, and it is still pretty clean. It's nice. So what do I do now?

I had so many things I had wanted to do today while I only had one child instead of four: a meeting, a store to visit to exchange some things, another store to buy shoes for both Peter and me, maybe even a stop at the library. My presidency meeting was scheduled for 9 this morning, the first in several weeks because both my counselors have been out of town. At 8am, my secretary called to tell me she was sick. We usually meet at her house, so I had to call my counselors and arrange for another place to meet - not here, since one of them is allergic to cats. Anyway, we met and the meeting was going well, until I got a phone call from the school around 9:45. John had thrown up. So I had to leave the meeting and go to the school and pick him up. So here I am, back at home, other errands undone, but I can't go anywhere now. It's kind of frustrating. I wouldn't mind the delay quite so much except that today the weather is bright and sunny, and tomorrow and the next couple days it is supposed to start snowing and I hate driving in snow. Hopefully it won't stick right away and I'll be able to get everything done tomorrow, unless of course John is still sick, or someone else catches it. I guess I shouldn't make plans.


  1. Hate it when things don't go as planned and you have so much to do. Hope no one else gets sick.


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