Life As We Know It

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! The kids are all home from school today in honor of the occasion. They are supposed to be taking advantage of the occasion by cleaning their rooms, and while they got off to a good start, they seem to have run out of energy and will power and I don't know if anything has progressed in the last hour. Meanwhile, I cleaned my room, including cleaning the closet and changing the sheets on my bed. I feel like I've set my example for the kids, and now I can relax and play. Maybe I will work on my quilt. Hannah wants to have a picnic in the park if they get their rooms clean before lunch time. I don't see it happening, but they can try for it.

On Thursday afternoon I took Peter to the doctor. He's had a blistery looking thing on his thumb for a week or so that seemed to be growing and crusting over. I didn't remember any injury to his finger that could have caused it, and since it was getting worse instead of better, I took him in. The doctor said it was paronychia, or an infection of the cuticle. The doctor thinks that Peter may have scratched his finger somehow while playing, and then it got infected and the infection was spreading. The blisters were full of puss that was oozing out and crusting up. At the doctor's office he soaked his thumb in some solution containing iodine that turned his finger yellow. That helped to clean off the crusty stuff, and then the doctor gently squeezed out more of the puss. (I know - too much info.) Now we have to soak his finger in warm water for ten minutes four times a day, and he has to take an antibiotic twice a day. Four days later, his thumb is looking better, but it isn't back to normal yet.

On Friday I finally was able to have a presidency meeting. We were able to discuss what we needed to, and I felt more prepared. That evening Steven and I were able to go to the temple for the first time in too long. It was the last Friday before the Denver temple closed for two weeks, and we weren't prepared for the crowds that were there. Temple workers were standing at the door handing out time slips for the 8:20 session when we arrived a little after 7:00. With a babysitter a forty minute drive away at home, we didn't feel comfortable being out as late as that would require, and so we were discussing other things we could do instead when a temple worker came to us and offered to try to find a slip for an earlier session for us. We waited for her a while, and she came back a short time later with two slips for the 7:30 session! Gratefully, and a little guiltily, we accepted them and hurried to be ready. It ended up being a very good evening, and I'm very glad that we were able to stay.

Hannah succumbed to the stomach flu late Saturday night. Her stomach was causing her serious pain until I woke Steven and asked him to give her a blessing. After this, the pain went away enough that she could get to sleep. She didn't feel well all day yesterday, and Steven stayed home from church with her. She went to bed early last night and seems to be back to normal today. Now that all the kids have had it, I hope this is the end. I hope Steven and I don't get it. I hope none of the kids catch it again. I guess we'll see what happens.


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