Reprieve from the flu, Sewing Projects

After one "sick day" of not acting particularly sick, Joshua is back in school. I'm knocking on wood that they'll all stay there and I won't get a phone call from the school: "Hannah just threw up; can you come get her?" The temps today are supposed to get up to 59 degrees, and I want to get out and take a walk or something to enjoy it. I usually make the kids walk home on Wednesdays because it is their early dismissal day, but I haven't lately because it has been freezing. (Seriously, I won't make them walk when it is less than 32 degrees out, and lately we've had several days in the teens.) I'm thinking today I might walk up to the school to meet them and walk home with them just so I can get out and get some exercise.

Yesterday I worked on my quilt some more. If I keep working on it I could probably have the whole quilt top done in about a week. Then I'll have to figure out how I want to quilt it.

Also yesterday I got to help sew some first aid kits out of hot pads and snack baggies. Those were a bit of a challenge to get the tension right and the right needle so I didn't get gobs of loopy knots on the back side, but once I figured that out they looked pretty nice. On Thursday our Relief Society activity will be filling them with first aid supplies. I actually still have one that was made several years ago so I'm not planning on doing another, but I'm happy to help out others.


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