A Spelling Bee, and some thoughts on shopping

John was feeling well enough to go to school today! That was super because Hannah was in her school's spelling bee this morning and I wanted to be able to see her. Last year she didn't study much, and got out on the first or second round. This time (after quite a bit of studying) she lasted until the fifth (out of a total of ten to determine the winner from a possible contenders.) The word she slipped up on was "lettuce"(mistaking the c for an s), which she told me later she doesn't like anyway. I thought she did pretty well. When I was in elementary school, I never got to participate in a grade spelling bee because my spelling was so bad. I remember one preliminary class spelling bee I got out on the first round because I couldn't spell account. (I still can't remember if it has one or two c's.) I like to do the Sunday crossword, but frequently I have to either ask Steven how to spell something, or be prepared to change my spelling if it proves to be wrong.

After the spelling bee, Peter and I braved the icy roads to go to the shoe store. When we got there, it was still closed, and so we wandered over to a nearby pet shop that was open and browsed for about ten minutes, until the shoe store opened. Peter got some Buzz Lightyear shoes, as well as black Sunday shoes. I looked for some new shoes for myself but didn't find any that were quite what I was looking for. I want black, nice looking but casual shoes, with good tread on the bottom and good ankle support. All I found were black athletic shoes (not really nice looking, and no ankle support) and fancy leather boots (nice looking but not really casual, ankle support, but none that offered much traction on the bottom.) After looking in two stores we came home. I guess I'll try looking again some other time.

I just realized that when I don't know exactly what I want I like to browse through a store and look at what they have in person. I prefer shopping on line when I already know exactly what I want. Then, it is easier to plug my criteria into a search engine and let it find what I'm looking for. It doesn't involve driving all over town on slippery, icy roads, searching. It is easier to compare prices. My problem is that when it comes to clothes and shoes I like to try them on to check the fit before I buy them so I won't have to return or exchange them, and I can't try things on when they are only pictures online. Oh well. I guess that is life.


  1. I totally agree on clothes and shoes...

    Very cool on the Spelling Bee! My kids are going to be in a spelling bee for the first time this month... they opted out other years.


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