Personal History #2

What did your parents do for work while you were growing up?

When I was growing up, my mother was a busy stay at home Mom, with several young children at home. I don't remember her ever working outside the home until I was married and gone. She was always busy with something or other, but I do remember coming home from school to see her folding laundry while watching "Little House on the Prairie" or "Highway to Heaven" on TV.

From the time he graduated from college, my Dad worked as a computer programmer at a company called Burroughs, which merged with another company to become Unisys in 1986. He stayed with that company until he retired. As a result of the merger, our family moved to Mission Viejo CA, and I remember that one of the qualities they were looking for in buying a house there was that it be located within biking distance from Dad's new work. Dad almost always rode his bike to work and back.

At home we enjoyed the benefits of Dad's being a computer programmer. He brought home our first computer in the late 1970s or early 1980s, with its monochrome screen and DOS prompts. He wrote programs we could play on it, including a Taipei game, and I think I remember a virtual Rubics Cube as well!


  1. Growing up my dad was a chemist and worked for Becton Dickinson in Utah until they wanted to relocate to New Jersey. It was then my dad got a job for Nichols Institute in San Juan and we made the move to CA. During this time he also delivered the paper in the early morning for extra money. He worked there until he got a job at ICN Pharmaceuticals where he worked more on the business side of things. I worked there too during my summers to save for college. My mother sold Jafra cosmetics from home, in home daycare, La Petite Academy daycare, and most local hospitals as a diet technician.


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