School has Begun!

It's official. My baby is in kindergarten, my oldest is in Middle School. All my children are in school, or were, for about fifteen minutes today.

I wasn't able to see Hannah off. She took off walking, headed for the bus stop at the same time I started loading the boys into the car to head to school. I didn't follow the bus to her school. I didn't take pictures in front of the school. I didn't even take pictures of her getting on a school bus for the first time (that wasn't a field trip). I hope she is enjoying her day. Last night we went to the open house at the middle school, and talked to someone about getting her into honors classes. Apparently her 5th grade teacher hadn't passed on the forms to get her in, but after the lady looked up her CSAP scores, she admitted that there was no question Hannah should be in honors. She took care of it, and Hannah's schedule should be changed either today or tomorrow. She was able to meet most of her teachers and find all of her class rooms last night, so hopefully she wont be feeling totally lost today. I still worry about her. I think I'm more stressed about her first day in Middle School than she was. She gets out early today - about ten minutes ago, actually, so I'll let her take the bus home and she can tell me about her day when she gets here.

Last night we went to an open house at the elementary school as well. We met all the teachers. (Two of the three are teachers that we've already had.) Today it was just a matter of finding the right line to get into at the school, and then the kids followed their teacher into the building. Peter was very disappointed that he has afternoon kindergarten and had to wait until after lunch. As soon as we got home from dropping off John and Joshua, he asked if it was lunch time yet, and he watched the clock all morning asking, "Is it time for lunch yet?" and "Is it time to go to school?" I'm glad that he was excited about it; six months ago when I'd ask him if he wanted to go to kindergarten, he'd tell me, "No, I just want to stay home with you."
Today is early dismissal day at the elementary school, too, so I'll go back and get the boys in just a couple hours. I hope they are enjoying their day, renewing acquaintances, making new friends, learning rules and procedures, getting comfortable. I think it is a nice way to ease into the school day. Tomorrow the real learning will begin.


  1. I still cannot believe Hannah is in middle school. I cannot wait to hear how she liked it! What are you going to do with yourself with all the kids in school?


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