Adreneline Rush

Yesterday, Hannah and John got to go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. This was John's first time, and I was excited for him. They both had a good experience.

They returned home around noon, Hannah went into her room to change, and after a few minutes, she started screaming - there was a bird flying around her room! I went into Hannah's room, and there was the bird, a tiny sparrow, sitting quite composed on her curtain rod. We found a bucket with a lid that we thought was big enough to get the bird into, and I started to creep up on the bird. The bird sat there calmly, waited until I was close enough to almost reach it, and then flew right into my face! Aaaaaaargh! When it got out of my face, it flew into Hannah's closet and perched on the top shelf. Again I slowly approached it, only to have it fly back to the curtain as soon as I got close. Eventually, the bird hid under Hannah's desk, in a back corner. The round bucket I had been using wasn't working, so Hannah pulled out a small plastic drawer and gave that to me, and I was able to hold it close to where the bird was hiding and kind of scoop it up. Since the drawer didn't have a lid, Hannah found a shirt for me to use to cover the top of the drawer while I carried the bird out of the house and let it go on the hill out in front of the house. Finding itself outdoors once again, the bird happily flew away.


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