That We May Become One

I taught Relief Society this last Sunday. The lesson was chapter 16 "That We May Become One". I used most of the questions suggested at the end of the lessons, but here are some of my thoughts and ideas in addition to those.

  • I would subtitle this lesson, "How to Build Zion". See Moses 7:18.
  • What does it mean to be of one heart and one mind?
  • For the first four sections, I had a visual aid that represented each section, and I let a class member chose a visual aid to determine what section I would talk about next.

From the Life of Lorenzo Snow
  • I used a stuffed cow to represent this section, because of the story of the man who gave his only cow to help saints to emigrate to Zion.
  • I thought it inspiring that these saints had suffered so much and lost so much and had so very little, and yet they gave cheerfully of what they had. This is an amazing example to me. 
Teachings of Lorenzo Snow
When we are united in the gospel, the Lord shows the world His character through us. 
  • I used a candle to represent this section because it reminded me of our need to be unified with God and his will, and to live as an example of what he would do. See Matt 5:14-16.
  • How might the world have been different if the Israelites had been more faithful?
  • This section made me think of an orchestra, with God as the conductor. Each of us plays our own parts (callings) with our own instruments (talents, skills, etc), and if we follow the guidance of the conductor in unity, we can make beautiful music together. However, if each of us is determined to play our own way, our own tune, to the beat of our own personal drum, the result is chaos.
Unity is essential in the Church and in our families.
  • I used blocks to represent this section. When we are working together, we are a stable structure, but when we have division, contention, and disrespect between us, our structure is unstable, and is more likely to fall.
  • The wife of our mission president shared something she had heard about how the Quorum of the Twelve decides on issues. She said that the apostles discuss issues, and may have very different opinions, but that once the Prophet makes a decision, they all stand behind it.
  • See "Obtaining the Spirit through Couseling Together", "Strength in Counsel" for teachings about finding unity in counsels.
  • "By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners." (Proclamation on the Family, paragraph 7)
  • Why are people more likely to believed in the Restored church if we are unified?
  • What are some things you have done to encourage unity in your family?
  • "Well, what is more important? Should there not be union in the family? … Most assuredly there should." Unity in families is more important than unity in the church leadership.
We become united as we help each other secure peace and happiness.
  •  I used a roll of duct tape to represent this section: "We must understand that we have got to act upon certain principles by which we can bind ourselves together as a people"
  • What can we do to bind ourselves together in unity? (Selflessness, Sacrifice, and Forgiveness are specifically mentioned in the chapter, but there are many more things we can do.)
As we become united in the gospel, we increase in light and intelligence and prepare to dwell in God’s presence.
  • "I can just tell you that the day will come when we must become united in this way if we ever see the presence of God. We shall have to learn to love our neighbors as we love ourselves."
  • See 4 Nephi 1:15-17, Mosiah 18:21-22 and Moses 6:68.


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