First Day of School

It's the first day of school. I have one child still at home who doesn't have to be at school until noon, but the other three are all at school, and the house is relatively quiet.

It's the first day of school. I woke up at 5:00 this morning to "practice." Hannah starts seminary tomorrow and we plan to get all the kids up at 5:30am for family scripture reading before she has to leave. I went to bed early last night, and the night before, and the night before that, but spent all three nights lying awake for hours before I could get to sleep. I hope my body figures out the new schedule soon.

It's the first day of school. I walked Josh and Peter to school this morning, and enjoyed being out in the morning sun. I handed them off to their teachers in the courtyard outside, waited until the classes began filing inside the building, and then took off for home. I hope they have fun today.

It's the first day of school. Hannah went back to bed after scripture reading this morning and didn't get up until about 9am. She left a little after 10:00 to walk to her very first day of high school. Am I old enough to have a child in high school?

It's the first day of school. John is finishing up cleaning summer's detritus out of the boys' room. They started the process yesterday, and I told them that today I would go in with a huge trash bag to gather everything that was left visible in there besides furniture and bedding. Josh and Peter are sure lucky that John is willing to finish the job.

It's the first day of school. When John leaves, I will have the entire home to myself, and it will be quiet. I could clean up the house, and the house would stay clean for a couple consecutive hours. Wow. What a concept!

It's the first day of school. Later this afternoon, the kids will return home with tales of teachers and classmates, schedules and rules. They will probably have papers for me to sign. They may have homework. Hopefully Josh and Peter's backpacks will be lighter than they were this morning, when they were full of school supplies needed for the new school year.

Today is the first day of school, but it is kind of weird since both Hannah and John only have half days. Tomorrow will be more normal, even though it is an early dismissal day. Then I will have almost almost 5 1/2 hours of solitude, instead of the three I will have today. What will I do? What will I do?


  1. Of course you are old enough to have a child in high school... because I have two and one goes on a mission next year!!! :)

    But we don't have to FEEL that old.


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