Bad, Better and Wonderful

I've got bad news, better news and wonderful news.

The bad news: The floods from a few weeks ago brought devastation to our area. Flood water washed away cars, houses, and lives. The water receded, but not soon enough to stop a plague. In quiet pools of water, thousands and hundreds of thousands of mosquitoes laid eggs, which have since hatched into an army of billions of tiny, but persistent, blood sucking monsters. Last Sunday I awoke with an itchy red bump just below my right eye. Monday one appeared on my knee, another on my wrist, and they kept appearing. John went on a field trip to a lake on Monday and got sixteen bites, eleven of which were all on one arm. Yesterday I got one on the side of my nose! Everyone I have asked about it has agreed that the mosquitoes are bad - except Hannah. She claims not to have been bitten once!

The better news: It is snowing this morning for the first time this fall! Maybe the snow will freeze the bloodsuckers.

The wonderful news: I think it was Monday that I noticed a printed job description among some papers Steven brought home from work. I asked him about it, and he said the company he did a contract job for in January (that he really liked) was hiring. He had sent an email to his former boss there expressing interest in the job. On Tuesday, he got a call back - apparently his name went immediately to the top of their list of applicants, and he went in for an interview on Wednesday during his lunch break. Yesterday they called to tell him they were going to offer him the job - a permanent full time job with benefits! They are still working out details, but we are excited! The job involves analyzing a lot of data from several locations and putting it into reports to help Management see trends, etc, which is something that Steven is excited about doing.

I know that the Lord has been watching out for us. He has provided for our needs through these last few years, and though they have been a trial, we have survived. We have learned a lot about trusting in the Lord and grown stronger spiritually. I'm not saying I'm glad that Steven was laid off almost three years ago, but I am grateful for the things I have learned. Now I can trust that even if something happens and this job doesn't work out as we hope, something better will come. The Lord will provide. We will survive.


  1. That is wonderful! Congratulations! (On the job, not the mosquitos :))

  2. Just wanted to say Congratulations on the new job!! So happy for you :)


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