Josh, the Airplane Pilot

Is it Halloween already? Not quite. But we did pull out our winter hats and scarves and stuff  a couple days ago and this is how Josh chose to dress for school yesterday, and today.

 He's been talking a lot lately about an airplane he wants to build, and this morning he gave me a list of materials he will need: wood, motor, gears, pipe, switch, and car battery. This will be a small, two-seater plane that he will be able to fly the 1/2 mile to school, and land on the lawn. This morning he was even telling me that if the family accidentally left on vacation without him, he could just hop in his plane and catch up with us. (I'm not sure what he was planning on doing with his plane after that - strapping it to the top of the car, maybe?)

Until he is able to acquire the materials (and perhaps the know-how) to build his plane, however, he is content to drive the green machine, something we picked up at a garage sale a few months ago.

Incidentally, this is what the slope (where we took Josh's pictures yesterday afternoon) looks like this morning. I imagine the snow will melt off before the morning is over, but for now, it is kind of pretty.


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