A Visit From Lia

My sister Lia and her family visited us last night on their way home from a vacation in which they visited both Mount Rushmore and Nauvoo. Along the way they were also able to see and visit with my sister April and her family in Wyoming (who had returned home from visiting us just moments before Lia and family arrived.), my parents in Nauvoo, and another sister Kristy and her family in Kansas City, Missouri.

We enjoyed chatting together. Joshua danced with his cousin Kylie, and played store with her while the adults chatted and McKenna listened in. I always love getting together with my family, and it seemed like we could have talked forever, but they were staying at a hotel for the night (allergies and cats don't mix) and so they had to go. They drove off, and I went to bed and laid awake listening to a terrific Thunder storm for the next couple hours. I hope they make it home safely!

I didn't remember to pull out my camera until they were about to go, already in the car... so I didn't get pictures of Josh and Kylie dancing. But here are the few pictures I did take.


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