Beehive Camp

Hannah returned home from Beehive camp yesterday. Here is what she has to say about it:

It was really cool. and stuff. ..Um we did archery and canoeing and horse back riding and we made a trail. yeah.

The first day, we met at the church and hung out for about half an hour or so talking to people, putting our gear away and stuffages. The drive up was, like, two hours. When we arrived, it would have been, like, tenish and then we did something really cool, like, we had a hike for, like, five miles round trip to a waterfall. Then we, like, set up our tents, I think. When we arrived at the camp right after the hike, they split us into groups, and then we set up the tent and stuff. Yeah.  I was in the "faith" group. Other groups were "love, humble, divine, sweet and one other. There were five people in my group including the YCL (youth camp leader). Their names were Tortoise (with a hand motion - see movie), Girlie, Jaedyn, Alyssa, and me (Hannah). We had pulled orc sandwiches for lunch. We went down to the craft shop and I tie died a shirt, in the process making my hands entirely blue. It was awesome. Then we came back and had food for dinner. We had some specific kind of food. It wasn't soup. It wasn't the chicken potato thing, it wasn't hot dogs. It was the other food we had. How many nights was I there? Oh  we had the pulled orc sandwiches for dinner. We were supposed to eat the food stuff that we packed ourselves for lunch. Yeah. And then we had the evening devotional thingamajigie. where we learned the Tinkerbell song. 

My name is Tinkerbell
I don't remember well
I need my mommy here
To help me pick up my gear.
(To the tune of Ta Rah Rah Boombdi-Ay!)

We had to sing the Tinkerbell song every time we left our stuff somewhere. Uh yah so then we went to our tents and slept...sorta...after talking and stuff for, like, an hour...

Yeah. So the next day we woke up and then, like, we had breakfast which was, um, probably something really good because I remember eating it. What was it though? It was the breakfast burrito things wadn't it? Yeah. Then ummmmm... we did archery. Yeah. It was really cool.  I hit a wolf with an arrow. I even hit the actual targets a couple times. Then we went back to the craft shop and I colored on Tortoise (hand motion)'s wrist band thing. Cause it was like a slap bracelet that was all white with outlines of butterflies and flowers and stuff, except later she was sweating or something and all the colorness washed off or faded or whatever. So then we had lunch and it was, like, hotdogs that we had to roast in the middle of the day and it was really hot and the smoke kept following me and stuff. And then that afternoon we did something cool. Um, what did we do? 'Cuz ummmm we did the horseback riding and the canoeing on the same day... what else did we do? The canoeing was the second day and then it was horseback riding and the trail the last day. Yeah. So my group was supposed to be making the dinner the second day so uh, they divided the group into two groups - the group that would go canoeing first, and the group that would go swimming first, except, see, the swimming pool place wouldn't open up until 3 or something like that so we couldn't go swimming first. So we went to the KIVA building and went roller skating. Yeah. So then we went canoeing but we had to stop early so we could go swimming. And when we were canoeing we didn't even flip over at all, (despite my efforts) except Tortoise (hand motion), who fell out because we crashed into the side and she was the closest to the thing (other hand motion) the ground... with the land... There was the beach like that we started at, and then there was the lakey reservoiry thingy which we sailed around, and we said hi to the guy who was fishing,  like, on the other side of the lakey thing, across from the docky beachy thing. Yeah. But we crashed into the thing that wasn't the docky beachy thingy. The edgy thing. Yeah. So then we went swimming. And that was fun, except that it was really cold. And it was cool because they had a slidey thing and like a climby thingy. Yeah. Then we came home and we were supposed to help with dinner except we decided to clean up the tent because it was really messy and there wasn't like a lot of space except for Tortoise (hand motion) who had like half of the tent to herself and her stuff. Yeah. So we were cleaning the tent so we couldn't help with the food type stuff, so it was only Jaeden and probably Girlie, and definitely Alyssa who made dinner, which was some kind of food stuff. Yeah. So, to make up for it we helped with the dishes. yeah. So, Oh, yeah we had cobbler for dessert. and there was, like, another cobbler that wasn't done yet, that wasn't done cookingifying and so they, like, let it cook over night, except the raccoons got it, after they promised it to us for breakfast, but the raccoons got it so we couldn't have it. But no, we had to have muffins.

So yeah we had muffins for breakfast. and they were pretty good and then um, oh yeah we went horseback riding. And it was cool but, like, we were going really slow. My horse's name was Galaxy and he had asthma, so he was kinda like panting really hard. yeah. Then we came back to the camp and had lunchy foody stuff. and uh, then we made the trail. Yeah. Oh yeah we had to like walk, like, almost a mile to get to the place where we were going to start the path, although I don't know how the, like, hiker biker dudes are going to get to the path. Yeah but anyway so we got gloves and rakes and stuff and oh yeah this was with Hannah squared (the other Hannah) Yeah, so uhhh, we went towards, like, the front of the group and moved around the branches and stuff and did NOT pick the Columbines... (We didn't, but it was tempting.) So we got to the top of the path and kinda wandered around for a while and waited for all the raker dudes to catch up and stuff and then we had to go back down. I got to rake for some of that which was a little more fun because you dind't have to bend down so far. And then we went home or to the campsite or whatever you want to call it and had the chickeny potatoey stuff. Yeah. Wait no, the chickeny potatoey stuff was the other day,

At the evening of the second day, we did skit type things. Our skit was, like, helping Cinderella get ready for the ball over the phone. So we had a jump rope with three of us holding onto it and Cinderella and her Godmother on the ends so whatever they had to say went down the line and Cinderella would say, "I don't know how" at the end of everything. Like, uh, like "are you going to do your hair? "I don't know how." Girlie would be, like, totally toneless, like "I don't know how", all monotonous. The YCLs, they did, "Modesty is Hottesty" song/rap thingy. Yeah.

On the third day we didn't, like, do anything cool that evening. we just went to bed... wait wait wait, we had the testimony meeting and that was cool. yeah. So uh, we did that and then we went to bed. Yeah.

So the last day we went to the place for the thing and stuff. We went to the cafeteria for breakfast. And then we packed up the tent and drove back home. Yeah. The End. And stuff.


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