A Jump Start for the Day

There is nothing like the adrenaline rush of waking up 40 minutes late to get a person moving in the morning. Especially when that means I have only 20 minutes to get three kids dressed, fed and packed up to leave for school.

Steven has been sick the last few days. His upper back and neck have been bothering him for a week and a half. It feels like he has been miserable forever. Yesterday he came home from work early and spent the evening reading in bed. Last night he kept making noises in his sleep: something half way between a grunt and a groan. Anyway, it was keeping me awake so I went to sleep on the living room couch. I kept waking up out there too, because one of the cats decided to come lay on me and purr and give himself a bath, noisily licking himself until I pushed him off. I wasn't laying in a position where I could see the clock, but suddenly I opened my eyes and realized it was light already. Suddenly I jumped off the couch and looked at the clock - 7:10, the time we are usually sitting down to breakfast after everyone is dressed and we've read scriptures and had family prayer! I rushed back to the kids rooms to wake them up and get them going. I peeked in at Steven, and he was awake but just lying in bed. He told me he was too sick to go to work today. Okay, I guess that explains why I didn't hear the alarm clock go off or him getting into the shower which is what usually wakes me up in the morning. I wish he'd told me last night that he wasn't planning on setting his alarm clock.

Hannah and John got dressed quickly and went to the kitchen to pack their lunches. I skipped showering and threw some clothes on. Josh took a little longer to dress, and couldn't find his shoes right away so I made him wear his Sunday shoes. I packed Josh's lunch, found his homework and packed his backpack while the kids ate a quick breakfast. Finally, we were ready to go, and Peter was still lying in bed. I left him there figuring Steven could watch him for the ten minutes it takes me to run the kids to school. Once we were in the car pulling out of the garage  - on schedule, I realized that we hadn't had a prayer yet that morning. I paused in the driveway and asked Hannah to offer a prayer for us. So Hannah, John and Joshua made it to school on time with breakfast inside them and lunches and homework in their backpacks. I returned home to shower and eat my own breakfast at a more leisurly pace. Now I can relax. I'm glad I don't have many mornings like this one.


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