Thoughts about General Conference

I had a wonderful weekend. My sister April was here to visit. I got to watch all sessions of conference (all right, I kind of dozed off a bit at the end of the Sunday afternoon session... but I think that is all I missed.) The kids were surprizingly good for the most part. Hannah and John drew pictures and played Conference Bingo and Joshua and Peter mostly played in their room. I am grateful that we have the means to watch General Conference in our own home.

Many of the talks seemed to focus on bettering our lives, becoming a true disciple of Christ by doing our best, living what we know, developing Christlike virtues and especially, by loving and serving others. That reinforced the feelings I've been having lately, that I need to find more ways to be of service to others, instead of being so wrapped up in my own life. I'm still trying to figure out how I can do that.

I found the first couple talks Saturday morning to be especially meaningful to me as I seek direction for my new calling. They described how to receive, recognize and understand the influence of the Holy Ghost. I learned that I need to record the impressions and guidance that I receive, ponder and study what I have learned, or what I need to know, and then pray to know if the conclusions I have come to are correct. I need to thank the Lord for his guidance, and ask if there is more I need to know and repeat the process with any further inspiration I may receive. I need to be careful that my own emotions don't cloud or overpower the delicate promptings of the Spirit. I need to learn to recognize the way the Spirit speaks to me personally. I don't often have overwhelming feelings... usually I just feel calm, peace and warmth. I feel the need to soften my heart so I can be more aware of these subtle influences of the Spirit. They are so easy for me to miss! At the General Relief Society broadcast last week, Sister Julie B. Beck told us to "Never supress a generous thought!" I think I need to expand that to never supress a righteous impulse, because I think often that is the Spirit telling me to do something. Last Sunday we had our testimony meeting and I felt some desire to bear my testimony, but I didn't. I didn't know what I would say. I didn't want to have to climb over all my children to get out of our pew. I wonder now, if I had gotten up to bear testimony, if I would have been less surprised to receive the bishop's call after church that day. I know that my testimony is strengthened when I share my own testimony with others. Did I miss out on an important moment for my own spiritual development that would have helped me with this calling? I'm grateful that Christ's atonement allows us the opportunity to repent. I don't know where I would be if I couldn't. I am grateful that we have General Conferences every six months because they remind me of where I should be going, what I should be striving for. They help to awake me from my complacence and motivate me to continue on the strait and narrow path towards Eternal Life.


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