Snow Blues

It's snowing this morning. It may not stop until tomorrow afternoon. If I could just sit inside, curl up with a book, and maybe sip hot chocolate, I would really enjoy it. It is pretty where it hasn't been walked on yet. I like looking at the smooth expanse of blank snow, like a canvas waiting to be painted on. Unfortunately I had to take the kids to school this morning. I usually go to the library on Wednesdays, and I have a visiting teaching appointment in a few hours. Then I'll need to pick up the kids from school, and I'll need to take John to scouts tonight and then go back an hour later to pick him up. I'm going to see if I can renew the library things that are due so I can cross that off my list for today, but the other things I can't really cancel. I am grateful that our new van has front wheel drive instead of rear wheel drive like our old van had. I don't get stuck nearly as often. It is kind of scary though when I'm pressing on the brakes and I can feel them grinding against the ice on the road trying to stop--while I slide. I consider myself very blessed that I haven't hit anything or anybody yet.


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