Random Thoughts

I have a lot on my mind this morning. Yesterday afternoon I had two girls over from the family up the street. I was watching them so their Grandma could get a chance to rest. They had a blast playing with my kids. Apparently their mother is still in the hospital, and their dad has bleeding ulcers. I wish there was more I could do for them.

Our bishop also is in the hospital suffering from complications of the H1N1 virus. He has viral pneumonia, was having a lot of difficulty breathing, and is now in a drug induced coma for what could be a couple weeks or a month. We are praying for him and his family. As a result of all this, he was unable to participate in setting me and my counselors apart for our new callings last night; his counselors had to do that instead.

While I was being set apart, one comment that was made in the blessing struck me particularly. I was told that the Lord has been preparing me for this calling for a long time. I guess that is why so many of my callings so far have been in the primary. I have served as a teacher in both Junior and Senior Primary. I've served in the nursery. I've been both pianist and chorister. I have several ideas of how things should be done, or what could be done to be better. I have an appreciation for how much effort can go into each of these callings. I understand much of the struggles and challenges that people in these callings can face. I've been concerned by the fact that I haven't served in a presidency and I'm still figuring out how that is all supposed to work, but I guess if the Lord has called me now, he must think I'm ready. It is definitely humbling for me as I realize how much I need the Lord's help.

Tonight for John's pack meeting they are having a Halloween party so I'm trying to finish up the kids' costumes. I finished Hannah's headpiece yesterday and bought rope for belts. Hannah was trying to sew a quiver for John out of felt. It is cute, but rather small. John tried to make a crucifix for Josh out of foil, but it didn't stay together very well. I love to see my children using their skills to help each other. I wonder when and if I need to step in and help when the things they make aren't working out. At any rate, I'll post pictures of the kids wearing their costumes. I think they turned out cute!


  1. You will be awesome MaeLyn! You are so great! I hope your bishop and the other family get better soon! That is so scary! Any service is needed service, never forget that!


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